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19 Jan

Not all Variable Mortgages are Created Equal


Posted by: Darick Battaglia

Not all Variable Mortgages are created equal. Here are some terms that I have found to fluctuate from lender to lender:

Will they set the payment at the actual discounted rate or a higher rate to compensate for fluctuations in Prime?

Will they allow you to break the mortgage with a standard 3 month interest penalty? Will they permit a 5 year term?

Will they use the 5 year benchmark rate to qualify the mortgage? Will they use actual payments on unsecured debt or compensate for 3% minimums.

Each one of the above can make the difference of being approved for a mortgage and/or cost you thousands in extra fees down the road. Using our services ensures you receive the best terms and conditions to suit you.

For the best mortgage rates for your home financing Call today